Saturday, August 23, 2008


Is Joe Biden really going to be Obama's VP?

Biden was my first choice presidential candidate, so Obama could give me a truly "Just What I Wanted" birthday gift by choosing Joe. Biden has great depth in foreign affairs that could add substance to the excitement of the ticket.

Most national-level politicians are charismatic. Sen. Biden has that quality in spades. A big thrill for my husband and me was being his guests for a Senate Foreign Relations hearing on Iraq. Besides letting us chat informally with the committee members, he hustled us with him as he ran to the Senate floor, introducing us to Sens. Carl Levin, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and a number of others on the way.

[UPDATE: Nothing like have USA Today confirm that 2007 meeting by referring to us by name!]

We had been corresponding with Biden on plans for the US to get out of Iraq since Sen. Sherrod Brown (then a Congressman) made the connections in the summer of 2006.

An Obama/Biden ticket would be huge!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! Love it. I was thrilled to see an Obama/Biden ticket as well. Biden is the perfect compliment to Obama -- and it'll certainly make it more difficult for Republicans to claim an Obama administration would be an administration of inexperience...